Post-graduate second level Masters’s Academic Course. Full-time program.
Specialization: Visual Arts and Restoration.
Duration of a Course: 2 years.
The programme includes: Professional Practice (off-site)
Objective of a course
The choise of precise direction of the professional career and beginning of working experience in this field
Targets of a course
– application of knowledge by concentrating on practical focus;
– active participation in professional workshops, master classes, conferences.
– others.
Principles of content selection and management of didactic material
– step-by-step sequence of developing a course from easy to hard, including the focus on analysis of the famous Masters’ artworks;
– detecting and emphasizing the targets of the course in a didactic material;
– enhancing the volume of didactic material with a help of self-training similar to
Main criteria of didactic material content selection
– correspondence to the targets of the course;
– correspondence to the individual possibilities;
– correspondence to the material possibilities.
Quality control of the knowledge assimilation
– testing an control of the theoretical knowledge assimilation and methodological guidelines in practical painting assignments;
– step-by-step guidance and control of the methodology of realizing the practical painting and restoration assignments;
– midterm attestation;
– negotiation and approval of the self-training painting and restoration assignments;
– consulting and guidance on self-training painting and restoration assignments.
Final attestation
Final attestation of the painting and restoration practical assignments quality is performed in a form of exam.
Official Diploma is awarded to students after successful completion of a program of study.
Enrollment deadline
Enrollment for the 1st semester is open until the 15th of August
Enrollment for the 2d semester is open until the 1st of December
Career opportunities
After completion of a course in Visual Arts and Restoration: professor of Painting and Drawing, Art Director, Professional freelance, Paintings Conservator under control of a responsible institution, Graphic Designer, Collaborations with public/magazins/newspapers, Collaborations with museums and galleries
120 ECTS or 80 Credit Hours for 2 academic years of study
Let’s Get in Touch
Contact details
Phone: +39 055 035 1530
Address: Piazza della Libertà, 2 – 50129 Firenze
Monday — Friday 09:30 – 18:00