St. Petersburg Art Academy in Florence is an art institution located in the heart of Tuscany – in a centre of Florence. Palazzo di Cosimo Ridolfi, where the classes are held, is a unique monument of architecture of the 15 century that stores in itself a memory of the great architect Filippo Brunelleschi, who worked in one of the halls of the palace.
Palazzo di Cosimo Ridolfi in via Maggio 15, Florence Via Maggio
Photo: Associazione Via Maggio

Thanks to the central location, cooperation with Italian educational institutions and the opportunity to develop in a field of Culture and Art within the framework of a Double Degree, allows the Academy to train Bachelor ‘s and Master ‘s degrees in different directions.

Bachelor ‘s degree programs are specialized in the areas of Fine Arts and Restoration, Art History, Cultural Studies, Medium Design, Graphic Design, Costume Design, Communicative Design. In addition, there are short-term educational programs for a wide range of audiences engaged in the field of Culture and Arts.

You will get an unforgettable experience to live and study in two different countries – Russia and Italy and learn 3 foreign languages: Russian, Italian and English, save up to 70% of your money when receiving a double diploma!

European traditions and quality of Russian academic education united in one program! Italy is a country with a rich cultural heritage, full of inspiration and traditions in modern design, at the same time Russia is considered to be one of the best in the world in a field of training specialists in academic drawing and painting. You can become a first-class specialist with international experience and practical skills!
Our students at State Artistic Lyceum “Porta Romana”, Florence Our students at State Artistic Lyceum “Porta Romana”, Florence
Double degree includes studies in two countries and is adapted to international students with different skills in foreign languages. Upon completion of the course, students receive a state-issued diploma, which has a recognition in both Russia and Europe. The program also includes student visa processing and consulting support.
Florence, Tuscany Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Summer programs in Tuscany are a combination of pleasant and useful time passing. Travel and training! 4-week program of intensive preparation for the academic year and passing examinations, language course and familiarization with the best monuments of world culture. Within a month there will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the cradle of the Renaissance – Florence, to go in a trip to Siena, Pisa, Arezzo… In addition to educational programs, we also offer visits to unique places of Tuscany filled with creative traditions of Italian masters in various fields of Art.
Arezzo, Tuscany Pisa, Tuscany Siena, Tuscany
Florence today is a modern city and open-air museum. In this regard, students and specialists who want to undergo internships abroad have a great opportunity to contact the original monuments of true art, gaining invaluable experience for career and personal development.

Everyone, wishing to undergo an internship will improve their language skills, get acquainted with the culture and heritage of the country, get acquainted with completely new approaches and processes in the professional sphere and acquire new experience for career development. The program “Internship in Florence” is an individual approach to each participant and can be conducted in Russian, English and Italian languages.